As you may have previously read, we are on the job seeker journey together. I promised to share some helpful tips, and here is my first one.
Help me help you. The number one rule, when applying via an ATS is to READ THE DESCRIPTION before applying. Seriously. Then, UPDATE YOUR RESUME.
If you have two screens like me, keep your resume on one screen and the posting on the other. If not, snap one window to the right side and use the split-screen. First, however, save a copy of your resume. If you use OneDrive, it has a super fun feature where it will automatically save your progress, i.e., save over your original version. I only had to do this once to do a Save-As the next time.
Okay, back to the magic. With your new resume WIP on one side, and the desired job posting on the other, pay attention to the prioritized responsibilities and skills required. Look at your resume, and move up and/or expand on those skills that seem to be of highest importance in the posting. Also, pay attention to the wording and change yours to match. If your resume states “Recruitment” vs the posting stating “Talent Acquisition,” you’re not going to match. Make sense?
Why does this matter?
There are a few reasons. The number one reason: there may not be an actual human being screening your resume first. You have to get past the scan before you have any hopes of dazzling that hiring manager with your sparkling personality and engaging storytelling, right?
Trust me, seeker to seeker and HR pro to seeker, it makes a difference.